One of the ways I’ve been keeping sane lately has been going on a lunch ride.

I work in an office. I also work just over 50 km from home, which is a bit too long to commute. I spend altogether too much time driving a car for someone who is anti-car. I try to supplement it by listening to bikepacking podcasts, anti-car urbanism podcasts and, well heavy music, but I’m still missing my bike time.

So I’ve started bringing my bike to work with me, squeezing out a half hour ride every day at lunch.

I’m lucky enough to work in a town where there are actually plenty of ok trails nearby. Within five minutes I can go from my desk to a babbling brook through a wooded glen and that includes the time it takes to take the bike off my roof.

Things are tough these days, but I think going for a ride every day at noon really helps me realize that it’s not all bad. It helps focus me for the rest of my day as well. If you can do it, I’d recommend it for sure.

Lunch time now, so I’m off for a ride.
