The House Where Nobody Lives


The House Where Nobody Lives

Back in November, before the world changed multiple times, I got an Instagram message saying that a few of the guys would be coming up to ride on Salt Spring for the day and were wondering if I could show them around a bit.


A Reintroduction to the Mountains


A Reintroduction to the Mountains

I grew up in a mountain town, and didn’t really realize how much of an effect they had on my life. I had to leave the Rockies in my late teens, but have been trying to get back into this kind of environment ever since.


Spring and woodsmoke


Spring and woodsmoke

The smell of woodsmoke wafted up as I tucked into the descent. The yearly spring yard burnings started as soon as the air got dry enough to sustain a fire, and with them came the first nice riding days of the year.


A return to cyclo-toureurism


A return to cyclo-toureurism

I’ve always liked having a destination when I ride. I’m not really the kind who goes on a loop, or goes for a work-out or for trail riding. I like the exploration factor of riding a bike. Its hard for me to pass a shortcut, or to not take the weird turn in the woods.


Something to Think About


Something to Think About

When the world is a shambles, it is too easy to get caught up in the negativity and bullshit of what is going on. Days like today remind me of how I once was. I was curious, optimistic and idealistic.
